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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Scholastica Inter School Debate Tournament: VH 1 and NDS 1 crowned champions

Scholastica Debate Club returned with their flagship event “Scholastica Inter School Debate Tournament (SIDT)” on February 2. SIDT is a long-running annual event of the Scholastica Debate Club and has made a name for itself in the Bangladeshi debate circuit.
A total of 32 teams from 28 institutions participated in the tournament this year. The tournament was held over two days, with four preliminary rounds, after which the 12 qualifying teams – the teams with the highest combined speaker scores – proceeded to the out rounds. Breaking teams got to celebrate by breaking large blocks of ice with a mallet as per a long-winded SDC tradition. The break announcements were made at the end of the first day, the “break night”. 
In the grand finals, VH 1 was crowned the Open Champions and MMD 2 ranked as the Open Runners-Up. In the novice finals, NDS 1 became the Novice Champion with BNMDC 1 as Runners-Up. The top five open speakers and the top five novice speakers were awarded crests. The best speaker title was awarded to Azymayeen Abdullah Bin Tazwar from VH 1.
